56. Zyyi Village in October 2005 from the same viewpoint.
Bill Horlock's significant other half and Grand-daughter in centre view.
57. Colin Lake 1960/63
58. Drunken person is Rab Martin Courtesy Colin Lake 1960/63
59. Colin Lake 1960/63
60. Under the tree; me cowboy hat with bandaged toe and Ginge Cornes, back right with Squash Martin in front (no shirt) Courtesy Colin Lake 1960/63
61. Colin Lake 1960/63
62. Colin Lake 1960/63
63. Colin Lake 1960/63
64. Litho Drawing Office 1960.
This building was still standing when Bill Horlock circumnavigated the camp in October 2005
An Armed guard would not allow him to photograph it. Courtesy Bill Horlock
65. 42 Svy on the Ranges 1960.
Location unsure, Polymedia or Dhekelia. Courtesy Bill Horlock
66. Akrotiri Salt Flats.
Jack Pugh, ? and Les Dale one of our many essential National Servicemen
stride across the salt flats near Akrotiri RAF Station. Courtesy Bill Horlockck
67. Troodos Skiing 1960.
To those unfamiliar with Cyprus Troodos served as a respite from the heat during the summer and for winter sports during the winter. Courtesy Bill Horlock
68. Tug of War. A tug of war at Governors Beach 1960.
The captain is believed to be Sgt Prosser. Courtesy Bill Horlock
69. Broadcaastin Station Near East Arab Broadcasting Station Cyprus March 1957 42 Survey Engineer Regiment RE furnished the guard duty here.
The lookout tower and searchlight can be seen on the roof.
A man can be seen on the left hand mast.
The photograph is taken from the guardroom the roof of which is visible at the top right
70. Cyprus 1955-56 Zyyi Sgts Mess
Courtesy Des Davey
118. Cyprus Treaty Memo 6th August 1960, from Major E.X. Halliday MBE RE OC 13 Fld Svy Sqn RE