Ex Trig North Nepal Survey 2

45 Durbar square 46 EW Highway west of Nepalgank 47 Farewell party in Pokhara 48 Field party observing in clear weather
49 Forested valley 50 Gourds 1 51 Gourds 2 52 Grain para-drops
53 Gravimeter in use 54 Gravity 55 Helicopter support 56 Helio flash from hill top
57 Hercules laned at Kathmandu 58 Hill Country 59 Hills in bad weather 60 Holy man
61 HQ Comms Cell 62 Issuing kit to field parties 63 Jumla base camp 64 Kathmandu- view across rooftops to hills
65 Land Rover in dusty terrain 66 Landrover 67 Lavatory caving in on soldier 68 Laying out cold weather kit
69 Light aircraft 70 Loading Nepalese aircraft 71 Locals using Theodolite 72 LSS Light with frosted astro behind
73 Makalu through Theodolite 74 Malla Hotel 75 Man from British Embassy 76 Map - Doppler points
77 Map showing base camps 78 Map showing full network 79 Microwave tower 80 Mount Everest
81 Mountain river and bridge 82 Mountain top 83 MRA5 being used on mountain top 84 MRA5 control panel
85 Nepal survey department 86 Nepalese surveyor 87 Nepalganj base camp 88 Nepalganj
89 Observing by theodolite at night 90 Old Building in Kathmandu plus Hippy