Dave Nunley with 13 Sqn and 19 Sqn

1. Dave Nunley 2. Joe Baker, Pete Worsnop and "Stan" Stanley about to go on a wander, I'm not sure where. 3. Ted Roo showing his talents as a tap operator with our Water Bowser somewhat stuck in a Wadi. 4. Ted Roo again with ACC Cook and his unpaid but well fed Helper, I'm not sure what they are looking at, could be a scorpion.
5. Back to the the stuck Water Bowser, I recognise Jock McVetis a driver who was with us in Bahrain and had an argument with a roundabout while driving a Bedford RL (it was raining,-just like a skid pan), as well as Ted Roo again. 6. Convoy passing us ,on their way up to Radfan/Dhala. 7. Stan Stanley's guitar the subject of a still life (Aden style) picture. 8. "Home is the Sailor , home from the sea, and the Soldier home from the hill". Stan and his bedspace back in Little Aden.
9. Jock McVetis and Dave Nunley with ‘Kookie', (could be ‘Maverick'). 10. Cliff Greensitt at the camp when 1and 2 troops met up, I think at Am Shatt. 11. Squadron Office at Falaise Camp ,Little Aden. 12. Federal National Guard at a Fort by the sea where Yemen and the South Arabian Federation bordered each other.
13. A Marine Escort offering ‘Army Compo Sweets' to a Bedouin Girl. 14. Part of Steamer Point where the RAF roughed it. 15. The ‘Naafi Club at Steamer Point, you can spot women if you look hard enough 16. The Christian Church, Steamer Point.
17. P & O Building Steamer Point. Someone else may remember it. 18. On the way Home on Leave, this Benina Airport Libya, re-fuelling stop. 19. Aden – Old Harbour, near the RAF Transit Hotel. 20. Phil. Robinson with a Scottish driver (forgot his name) and Salim our interpreter with FNG guides with a Hot Land Rover.
21. And Finally, Dave Nunley with FNG eating Gazelle in the shade.