
1. Bomford 2. Brackenbury Maj Gen 3. Cameron Col AS 4. Close 2
5. Close 6. Clough 100th Birthday with Irwin and Mark Foden Presenting 42 Group's Present 7. Clough 100th Birthday 8. Clough
9. Colby 2 10. Colby 11. Conder 12. COs 42 Regiment
13. Dawson 14. Fagan in AFCENT Book 15. GSGS Group Early 20th Century - Feltham Album 16. Hall 2

17. Hall 19 Sqn 150th Cert From OS - Nolan 18. Hall Chatham painting 19. Hall Drawing - Royal Collection 21. Harris
22. Headley 23. Hotine as D Overseas and Geodetic Surveys Tolworth May 1962 - Central Office of Information 24. Hotine Photo 25. Hotine Portrait Feltham Building
26. Jack 27. James Maj Gen Henry 28. James 29. Jervis

30. Leach VC Hermitage Mess Painting 31. MacDonald Maj Gen PG 32. Mantell 33. Nealon
34. Newcomb 35. Nicholas Tressilian MC 36. Palmer 37. Peter Tait Scotland C D'man 1931-35
38. RSM Bob Eade SMS Summer Ball 1961 39. RSM Nealon 512 Coy - Nealon 40. RSM Nealon 512 Coy 2- Nealon 41. RSM Terry Evans March 1977 - Evans
42. Salmon,Hemming and Monet 43. Talbot MC 44. Thompson CN 45. Thompson EH
46. Thompson scan 2 lowres 47. Unknown WW1 Surveyor Possibly Wharrior 48. W White, Burrows, Glue SPC 1972 Close up 49. Walmsley-White,Burrows,Glue SPC 1972
50. Willis 51. Wilson CW 52. Winterbotham 53 21 Army Group  
54 AER Officers Barton Stacey 1964 or 65 55 Officers Training Day 1975 56 Officers Training Day 1977 57. C17_1_3 Peter Tait Scotland Chief Draughtsman 1931_1935
58. C17_1_5 Boulnois 59. C17_3_4 Roy Wood and Patrick Fagan former Directors of Mil Svy